203 research outputs found

    O Aluno com Paralisia Cerebral em Contexto Educativo: Diferenciação de metodologias e estratégias

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    O modelo de Educação Inclusiva, atualmente implementado e defendido pelas organizações internacionais, pressupõe um único sistema educacional para TODOS os alunos, partindo da aceitação das diferenças individuais e da valorização da diversidade humana, como potenciadores de capacidades num mesmo processo educacional. A Educação Inclusiva não abrange somente crianças/jovens com deficiências, mas alarga a sua intervenção a todos os que, temporária ou permanentemente, apresentem necessidades especiais. Os alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais de carácter motor, especialmente Paralisia Cerebral, inseridos no ensino regular, pela especificidade das manifestações apresentadas e das significativas limitações ao nível da atividade e da participação, beneficiarão com a implementação de medidas educativas que diminuam a sua situação de desvantagem e promovam o desenvolvimento das suas potencialidades, recorrendo a metodologias e estratégias facilitadoras do seu desenvolvimento global, que abordaremos numa breve revisão da literatura

    Bond fund runs: The financial crisis case

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThis paper studies the monthly flows of bond fund geographically focused on Europe and on the United States in the period between 2002 and 2012, with special attention to the effect of the financial crisis of 2008. Through the usage of the panel quantile regression model, this study aims to identify which funds, in terms of their characteristics, are more likely to suffer a run. The main finding is that the impact of the characteristics of fund flows is not equal for all funds, varying with issuer entity, the state of the economy as well as the focus of the fund. During the financial crisis, runs were more pronounced, situation that still affects funds geographically focused on Europe

    Consulting project for the lubricants export department of Galp energia: global market assessment and redefinition of the internationalization strategy

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    The subsequent report is aimed at describing the group project conducted under the Management Consulting Field Labs initiative. It consisted of, as the name indicates, a consulting project completed by four NOVA SBE’s students for the Oil and Gas Company Galp energia(Galp)on its Lubricants Export Department(Export Department). The project’s main objective was to develop a global market assessment and redefine Galp’s Lubricants Export Department internalization strategy. In order to respond to the Company’s needs, having in consideration the dimension of the scope, a high level approach was adopted. Furthermore, the close relationship with the client was critical in order to develop a project that matches the Export Department’s specific needs and therefore creating value for the client

    A study on the benefits of transforming non-profits into social enterprises : the case of Re-food

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    There are countless social initiatives dedicated to addressing and tackling different issues of the contemporaneous society. Many of these projects are effectively conducted by traditional non-profits. However, the achievements of more recent hybrid ventures have raised doubts about which type of organizations are better prepared to sustain the growth of social innovations over time. The following dissertation presents the Re-food Movement – under the format of a Case Study –, a non-profit and 100% volunteer initiative that operates across Portugal in order to eliminate food waste and end hunger. Since its beginning, in 2011, it has experienced great success and a strong expansion, which in turn has generated many challenges. In light of the above, a set of teaching questions is suggested in order to guide in-class discussion about the possibility, advantages and disadvantages of Re-food becoming a social enterprise. Finally, the main findings, limitations and suggestions of further research are described at the end of the thesis.Existem inúmeras iniciativas de cariz social que combatem diferentes problemas da sociedade moderna. Muitos destes projetos são eficazmente conduzidos por associações sem fins lucrativos tradicionais. No entanto, as conquistas de organizações mais recentes de natureza híbrida suscitaram dúvidas sobre que tipo de organismos se encontram melhor preparados para sustentar o crescimento de inovações sociais ao longo do tempo. A presente dissertação apresenta o Movimento Re-food – sob o modelo de Case Study –, uma organização sem fins lucrativos e 100% voluntária, que opera em Portugal com o objetivo de eliminar o desperdício alimentar e a fome. Desde o seu início, em 2011, obteve grande sucesso e sofreu uma forte expansão que, por sua vez, deu origem a muitos desafios. Nesse sentido, são sugeridas algumas questões de estudo para guiar o debate na sala de aula sobre a possibilidade, vantagens e desvantagens da Re-food se transformar numa Empresa Social. Finalmente, as principais conclusões, limitações e sugestões para investigação futura encontram-se descritas no final da tese

    group project

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    This paper studies the viability of Renova’s internationalization to India. Its initial chapters include an analysis of the country, the Tissue & Hygiene industry and the company, as well as a section dedicated to the entry mode, in which an entry mode framework was created. Based on this tool, it was discovered that Renova should enter in India by direct export. Moreover, from the chapter on marketing strategy it was concluded that Renova should first export toilet paper, facial tissues, and napkins from its Red Label line, pursuing a premium positioning in the market. The products should be distributed first in Mumbai, through More’s retail chain and the wholesalers Metro and Walmart. Finally, despite India’s inherent risks and the industry’s challenges, a financial analysis suggests that this internationalization is viable (NPV = 215.565,66€) and worth to be followed

    Homeostasis of the T cell memory compartment

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    Tese de doutoramento em Biologia (Biologia Celular), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2008In spite of daily T cell production in the thymus associated with intensive proliferation and differentiation of specific T cells upon each antigenic stimulation, peripheral T cells numbers are kept constant. This equilibrium is called homeostasis and subjacent to this process is the concept of competition for limiting resources. Each newly produced T cell has to compete with other new and/or resident peripheral T cell to survive. The periphery comprises two main compartments, the naive and activated/memory T cell pools, for each CD8+ and CD4+ subsets. These compartments are thought to have independent homeostatic regulation, although they share some common resources. The purpose of this thesis is to study the homeostasis of T cells, with a particular interest for the memory subsets, either at steady state or after disruption of this equilibrium upon infection. In the first part of the work, we showed that T cells belonging to different peripheral compartments could compete with each other for p-MHC (peptide-MHC complexes), even if they present a distinct T cell receptor. Moreover, we observed that recognition of p-MHC overlaps not only between different T cell populations but also between T cells ongoing different homeostatic mechanisms such as survival, LDP or accumulation after thymic emigration. In the second part of the study, we show again a modulation of T cell repertoire due to the displacement of memory T cells by BM-derived T cells presenting degenerate TCR. Besides this steady state attrition termed natural attrition , we proposed to study the fate of memory T cells upon Salmonella thymimurium infection. Preliminary data showed that both non-specific CD4+ and CD8+ memory T cells were depleted upon this infection and that type I IFN were not directly implicated in this death. More work remains to be performed to precisely define the targets and mechanism of this attrition.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, (FCT), (bolsa de referência SFRH/BD/16762/2004

    Gentrification as global procedure

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    UID/CCI/04667/2019Ainda que encarado com suspeição, a gentrificação tornou-se um procedimento inescapável, modelando a geografia urbana das cidades sob a égide do capitalismo. Os bairros gentrificados, se tomarmos por verdadeiro o diagnóstico feito por diversos analistas do Social, tornam-se zonas de clivagem, porquanto a renovação não se dá apenas nos edifícios e áreas adjacentes, mas porque supõe a renovação de toda uma geografia humana. Esta divisão entre propriedade privada (os edifícios) e o espaço público (o lá fora a que se chama bairro), é nitidamente uma questão antiga. Contudo, e isso sim é novo, o processo de gentrificação parece ser cada vez mais suscitado pelo uso das tecnologias da informação – assente particularmente no desenvolvimento do estilo airbnb. Daqui sobrevêm várias conse- quências. Este capítulo procurará pensar as novas associações compreendidas no espaço urbano, avaliando como a gentrificação se tem constituído um procedimento global.publishersversionpublishe

    a cidade inteligente como território retórico

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    UID/HIS/00749/2013 UID/HIS/00749/2019Numa noite de novembro no ano de 2053, um homem caminha. Leonard Mead é um cidadão solitário numa sociedade centrada no brilho dos ecrãs. Dez longos anos caminhando e nunca se cruzara com ninguém, nem uma única vez em todo o tempo. De repente, um carro de polícia acerca‑se. Mead é detido. Caminhar aparentava ser uma actividade suspeita. Eis o conto «The Pedestrian», escrito por Ray Bradbury em 1951, e que Deleuze e Guattari relembram numa nota em «7000 antes de J.C. – Aparelho de Captura» de Mil Planaltos. Novembro de 2017. O monitor de TV do conto de Bradbury, já liberto da interio‑ ridade das quatro paredes, tomou a cidade, ora maximizado ora miniaturizado em diversos suportes. Ser pedestre é cada vez mais ser um ponto para onde convergem todos os outros, restando pouca margem de indeterminação ou informalidade à deambulação num percurso que é cada vez mais um trajecto calculável. Com a figura do pedestre partimos para a cidade inteligente enquanto território retórico: num primeiro momento percebendo como as cidades pós‑industriais, enquanto conjunto de ferramentas, máquinas e sujeitos, formam um dispositivo a que se convencionou chamar smart city. De seguida procurar‑se‑á aferir como é que as smart cities se constituem como um território retórico.publishersversionpublishe

    Papel da ovariohisterectomia precoce na prevenção da neoplasia mamária na cadela

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaO tumor de mama é o mais comum em cadelas e contabiliza 70% de todos os casos de tumor maligno nesta espécie. O presente estudo baseia-se em casos clínicos de dois hospitais de Lisboa e o seu objetivo principal foi a avaliação da associação entre a ovariohisterectomia (OVH) precoce na cadela e a ocorrência de neoplasia mamária. Na amostra estudada, a maioria das cadelas com neoplasia mamária era de raça indeterminada (58,3%) seguida pelas raças Caniche e Cocker Spaniel. O peso vivo médio das cadelas doentes foi de 14,4kg e o das livres de neoplasia mamária foi de 16,3kg. Dos casos analisados, 88% das neoplasias eram malignas, com uma idade média ao diagnóstico histopatológico de 10 anos. 40% das fêmeas foram sujeitas a mastectomia total unilateral e 33,3% a ovariohisterectomia pós-diagnóstico histopatológico. Apenas 10% das cadelas com tumor foram submetidas a ovariohisterectomia antes do diagnóstico, tendo sido possível verificar que a OVH preveniu o aparecimento de neoplasia mamária. Enquanto nenhuma das cadelas com neoplasia foi sujeita a ovariohisterectomia precoce, 18,4% das saudáveis efetuaram esta cirurgia precocemente. Este estudo permitiu corroborar a importância da ovariohisterectomia precoce na prevenção da neoplasia mamária na cadela.ABSTRACT - The role of early ovariohysterectomy in the prevention of canine mammary tumor - Mammary tumors are the most common in the bitch, representing 70% of all malignant tumour cases in the species. The current study is based on clinical cases from two Lisbon hospitals and aim to evaluate the association between early ovariohysterectomy (OVH) of the bitch and the occurrence of mammary neoplasia. In the cases studied, the majority of the bitches with mammary neoplasia were mixed breed dogs (58,3%), followed by the Poodle and the Cocker Spaniel. The average live weight of the bitches with mammary cancer was 14,4 kg and of the mammary neoplasia free ones was 16,3kg. From the analysed cases, 88% of the tumours were malignant with a mean age at histopathological diagnosis of 10 years. 40% of the females were subjected to total unilateral mastectomy and 33,3% were subject to post-diagnostic ovariohysterectomy. Only 10% of the females with tumors were submitted to ovariohysterectomy before diagnosis, being possible to verify that OVH prevented the onset of mammary neoplasia. While none of the bitches with neoplasia was subject to early ovariohysterectomy, 18,4% of the heathy ones were subject to this early surgery. This study allowed us to corroborate of the fact of early ovariohysterectomy prevents mammary neoplasia in the bitch

    Dual and multitasks in older people: a proposal to measure performance in cognitive and motor tasks

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    In elderly people, double or multitasking (cognitive and motor) are severely impaired, associated with reduced cognitive function and loss of automatic capacity of the motor and musculoskeletal system. The activation of brain areas of cognitive control during the task demonstrates the relationship of cognitive functions with motor function, so that the ability of the dual task has a great impact on the performance of daily activities. However, there is no consensus on measures to evaluate multiple tasks. Methods An experimental protocol was tested four times over 8 months in a sample of 126 eldelly (60-98 years old 78.98 ± 8.34) to evaluate functional performance reported in walking, cognition and coordination in double and multiple tasks , along a path (6mx0.4m). We test eight different tasks conjugations of a) walking straight, b) counting back, c) coordinating the upper limbs and d) overcoming the obstacle. We also used MMSE, TUG and TUG-Cognitive and an IADL scale. The score of the experimental protocol is done by counting errors. Results Time differences between TUG-Cognitive and TUG are used to compare several task conjugations of the protocol. Statistically significant correlation with the differences between TUG-Cognitive time and TUG and MMSE was found to a dual task (walking and counting back) na to a multiple task (walking in a straight line with coordination of the upper limb and counting) Conclusions The ability of older people to perform dual and multi-tasks can be measure with a easy protocol including task as walkink, count backward and upper limb coordination.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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